Column DDL

Functions to generate DDL queries to change columns directly in the datawarehouse.

ColumnDDL.__init__(tuple_or_tuple_list, change_type='data_type', has_log=False, case='UPPER')

Prints DDL for direct DB changes of data_type, drop, or add

  • tuple_or_tuple_list – A single tuple or list of tuples with information about the changes to make
  • change_type – The type of DDL to create out of data_type, add, rename, combine or drop
  • log_table – True if the event has a log table
  • case – UPPER or LOWER case for the DDL statements

For a change_type of data_type or adding a column the tuple_or_tuple_list should contain the schema.table, the column name, and the column data type.

('schema_name.table_name', 'column_one', 'INT')
[('schema_name.table_name', 'column_one', 'INT'),
('schema_name.table_name', 'column_two', 'VARCHAR(16777216)')]

For a change_type of dropping a column a column the tuple_or_tuple_list should contain the schema.table and the column name

('schema_name.table_name', 'column_one')
[('schema_name.table_name', 'column_one'),
('schema_name.table_name', 'column_two')]

For a change_type of renaming a column a column the tuple_or_tuple_list should contain the schema.table, the current column name, and the new column name

('schema_name.table_name', 'my_bad_column', 'my_good_column', 'INT')
[('schema_name.table_name', 'my_bad_column_one', 'my_good_column_one', 'INT'),
('schema_name.table_name', 'my_bad_column_two', 'my_good_column_two', 'VARCHAR(16777216)')]

For a change_type of combining columns the tuple_or_tuple_list should contain the schema.table, the current column name, the new column name, and the column data type.

('schema_name.table_name', 'my_bad_column', 'my_good_column', 'INT')
[('schema_name.table_name', 'my_bad_column_name_one', 'my_good_column_name_one', 'INTEGER'),
('schema_name.table_name', 'my_bad_column_name_two', 'my_good_column_name_two', 'VARCHAR(16777216)')]

Convert Tuple to List


Converts single tuples into a list of tuples so list iteration on single event changes works

Parameters:tuple_or_tuple_list – A tuple or a tuple list
Returns:A list of tuple

Create DDL Statements


Creates DDL statements, prints the statements, and returns the statements

  • event_column_type_tuple – The tuple from the function specified
  • change_type – The type of column change statements to print. Options are column, drop, combine_drop
  • log_table – True if the columns to alter have log tables

A string with all the queries generated

Add Column

ColumnDDL.add_column(schema_name, table_name, column_to_add, new_column_type)

Prints add column statements

  • schema_name – The name of the schema
  • table_name – The name of the table
  • column_to_add – The name of the column to add

The query

For a change_type of data_type or adding a column the tuple_or_tuple_list should contain the schema.table, the column name, and the column data type.

('schema_name.table_name', 'column_one', 'INT')
[('schema_name.table_name', 'column_one', 'INT'),
('schema_name.table_name', 'column_two', 'VARCHAR(16777216)')]

Change Column Data Type

ColumnDDL.change_column_data_type(table_name, schema_name, column_name, new_column_type, new_column_type_no_count)

Prints the DB DDL statement for a single column

  • schema_name – The name of the schema
  • table_name – The name of the table
  • log_table – True if the table has a log table

The query

For a change_type of data_type or adding a column the tuple_or_tuple_list should contain the schema.table, the column name, and the column data type.

('schema_name.table_name', 'column_one', 'INT')
[('schema_name.table_name', 'column_one', 'INT'),
('schema_name.table_name', 'column_two', 'VARCHAR(16777216)')]

Combine Columns

ColumnDDL.combine_columns(schema_name, table_name, column_to_drop, column_to_keep, column_to_keep_type)

Prints statement to combine data from 2 columns into a target column and drop the non-target column

  • fully_qualified_table_name_db – The schema.table_name of the table to change
  • column – The tuple for an individual column
  • log_table – True if the table has a log table

The query

For a change_type of combining columns the tuple_or_tuple_list should contain the schema.table, the current column name, the new column name, and the column data type.

('schema_name.table_name', 'my_bad_column', 'my_good_column', 'INT')
[('schema_name.table_name', 'my_bad_column_name_one', 'my_good_column_name_one', 'INTEGER'),
('schema_name.table_name', 'my_bad_column_name_two', 'my_good_column_name_two', 'VARCHAR(16777216)')]

Drop Column

ColumnDDL.drop_column(schema_name, table_name, column_to_drop)

Prints drop column statements

  • schema_name – The name of the schema
  • table_name – The name of the table
  • column_to_drop – The name of the column to drop

the query

For a change_type of dropping a column a column the tuple_or_tuple_list should contain the schema.table and the column name

('schema_name.table_name', 'column_one')
[('schema_name.table_name', 'column_one'),
('schema_name.table_name', 'column_two')]

Rename Column

ColumnDDL.rename_column(table_name, schema_name, existing_column_name, new_column_name)

Prints the DB DDL statement to rename a single column

  • schema_name – The name of the schema
  • table_name – The name of the table
  • existing_column_name – The existing column name of the colum
  • new_column_name – The new column name for the column

The query

For a change_type of renaming a column a column the tuple_or_tuple_list should contain the schema.table, the current column name, and the new column name

('schema_name.table_name', 'my_bad_column', 'my_good_column', 'INT')
[('schema_name.table_name', 'my_bad_column_one', 'my_good_column_one', 'INT'),
('schema_name.table_name', 'my_bad_column_two', 'my_good_column_two', 'VARCHAR(16777216)')]